viernes, 17 de junio de 2016


In this review wednesday, I'm going to tell my opinion about the first season of the tv series Supergirl, the girl of steel.


This series was a great help for women in this age of heroes, creating a series for the cousin of Superman, the girl of steel. Really loved the casting that they decided to have, among them Melissa Benoist as Supergirl, Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Jeremy Jordan as Winn Schott, David Harewood as Hank Henshaw and Martian Manhunter 

Melissa Benoist as Supergirl was a great cast and a surprising actress, she did a very good job playing the cousin of Superman and Kara Danvers. 

Calista stole the show, her power was her own style of being Cat, she was a hated and loved character at the same time, which makes it a very important part in the show, being a friend and mentor to Kara and Supergirl. 

Mehcad Brooks was a surprise when he was chosen as Jimmy Olsen, Jimmy Olsen is not dark skin in the comics, but I really loved the change, and I love the problematic relationship between him and Supergirl. 

The character of Chyler was made for the series, Alex represents a very important person in the life of Kara, and I like the relationship that Kara and Alex have because they represent a symbol of sisterhood. 

Jeremy´s character is a major pillar for the series because the actor makes us have affection for his character and make us understand him , since it has had a dark and difficult past, and at present is not having a good time since Kara has sent him to "The Friendzone" and her most recent love interest decided to go on the villains side. 

David Harewood had a very secret role in the series until it was finally revealed that he was the Martian Manhunter, this had a great impact on the series since it was another superhero joining the small screen, and took a leading role in the first season. His story was very interesting, seeing Mars, and the history of Hank Henshaw. 

In general i liked the series, since we can see that in these times of superheroes not all it has to be manlish. Iliked the first season because it explored the world of Supergirl and Superman with these fabulous characters around them, and now that the series was moved to the CW channel for its second season we can experience as the Supergirl universe interacts with the Flah, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow universe. I feel that the second season will be great and much better than the first, since "The Doctor", Maggie Sawyer, Lena Luthor, and Superman will be doing their first debut.

score : 7.9/10

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